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Before you start your trademark filing process, you can search to ensure that your trademark is available and unique.
Japan Trademark P.C. (or “Trademark P.C.”) is the registered trade name of the law firm LegalForce RAPC Worldwide P.C. The law firm operates, which provides the Internet's largest, free search tool with a database of more than 8 million trademarks and logos. Other than searching the trademarks for free, a visitor of the website may also place orders on to seek Trademark P.C.'s legal services. After the law firm conducts the required conflict checks and accepts the payment, and after a written retainer agreement is entered into, the visitor becomes the client of Trademark P.C.
We are known for providing the highest level of support through each of our services, including; Trademark Registration, Trademark Searches, Trademark Monthly Monitoring, Office Action Responses, Statement of Use Filing & many more.
Our #1 goal is to provide a "One Stop Shop" for business and brand protection in one place, all being easily accessible from the comfort of your own home. Our top priority and value that consistently shows in our services is placing business owners first, ensuring they are informed each step of the way and on the fastest track to meeting their goals. We strive to aid owners who cannot afford a full-service property attorney to avoid missing any critical steps associated in Trademark ownership.
Year Of Working
Protect your name, logo or slogan now! We make the process quick, easy and simple for you to ensure proper filing.
There are numerous benefits of obtaining a trademark for your business name, logo, or slogan.
We have a team of qualified Gas Safe.
We here to help you 24/7 with experts
Proactively customize cross-media schemas rather than high-payoff the customer service. Uniquely enable extensible niche.